2013 BBQ Party
今年は66名の外国人(留学生や英語の補助教員)を含む139人の方々にご参加頂きました。6月末で離任される米国総領事館アメリカンセンター館長グレゴリー・ケイ氏の乾杯を合図に、各テーブルでBBQがいっせいにスタート。皆さん和気あいあいとした雰囲気の中で、炭火で焼かれた香ばしいお肉とビールなどの冷たい飲み物を召し上がりながら、日本語と英語を交えて大いに盛り上がりました。余興では、昨年も参加してくださった京都大学ダブルダッチチームMTTRによる見事な縄跳び技の披露をはじめ、専門家による殺陣のパフォーマンス、そして恒例となりつつある”We are the world”の大合唱に引き続いて、ジャンケン大会を行ない、ご寄付を頂いた豪華景品を巡って参加者全員が熾烈なジャンケンバトルを繰り広げました。景品をご寄付頂きましたホテルニューオータニ様、ロイヤルホテル様、ハードロックカフェ大阪様、冨士屋製菓株式会社様に厚く御礼申し上げます。また、BBQの開催につきましてご協力いただいたYSCの皆様およびボランティアの方々にこの場を借りて心より感謝申し上げます。
Following last year’s success, we had a barbeque party at Tsurumi Ryokuchi park, as an event to be organized by JASO Youth Support Committee. The weather forecast for the day had been predicted 50%-rain until 3days before the event. On the day, however, the sky was all clear from the morning, a miraculous recovery, and it became a perfect day to have a barbecue! In this year, we asked some of American students to take part in our preparatory discussion, and their valuable opinions were reflected in matters such as publicity and pricing of fees etc.
For this year’s barbecue we had 139 participants including 66 non-Japanese (international students and JET program teachers). The party started with a toast by Mr. Gregory Kay, Director of the American Center at the U.S. Consulate General Osaka-Kobe, who will be leaving the country at the end of next month after the three years tenure in Osaka. The participants, divided into groups for tables, had enjoyed wonderful food grilled over charcoal fire along with cold beers and wines, as well as conversation both in English and Japanese. For entertainment, Kyoto University’s Double Dutch team “MTTR” demonstrated their skills and tricks of rope skipping again this year and young performers of professional sword fighting played a short skit of samurai confrontation. Following these performances we sing the song “We are the world” together. In the climax we had a Janken fighting with everyone participating for wonderful prizes kindly donated by our member companies. We would like to extend our gratitude to Hotel New Otani, Royal Hotel, Hard Rock Cafe Osaka and Fujiya Seika Co., Ltd, for donating wonderful prizes for the Janken.
Also, we are extremely grateful for the volunteers and Youth Support Committees members who provided valuable cooperation and assistance in organizing this event.