CtH[V infomation







会長 細川 悦男






拝啓 時下ますますご清祥の段、お慶び申し上げます。







敬 具



1. 理事会   : Web会議システムを利用してのハイブリッド形式


  日 時  :2021年7月21日(水)17 時~

  会 場  :リーガロイヤルホテル大阪(ハイブリッド会議拠点場所として)



2.総会・懇親会: 中止



3. その他  : 年次報告等書類 (総会決議書、ニュースレター、会員名簿、次年度事務局お知らせ、請求書等)









May 31, 2021




Dear Members,

Yoshio Hosokawa


Japan-America Society of Osaka







2021 Directors’ Meeting, General Meeting and Social Gathering



We hope this letter finds you well. Thank you very much for your continued support of JASO.


Considering the current situation that many people are struggling to deal with the spread of Covid-19 and the new variants, we decided not to hold the General meeting and Social gathering but only to hold the Directors’ meeting in accordance with Article 16 of the General meeting rules this year. Therefore, we would like you to confirm the contents in the annual report which will be planned to be distributed in August, 2021.


We are sorry for not holding the General meeting and Social gathering due to the pandemic likewise as last year. We thank you all for your kind understanding and cooperation.



1.Directors’ meeting: hybrid style using online meeting system
※Please attend it by hybrid style in principle.


Date: Wednesday, July 21st 2021 from 5:00 p.m.
Place: Rihga Royal Hotel Osaka ( as the base for the online meeting )
※We will send more details of the Directors’ meeting to the members concerned.


2. General meeting and Social gathering: cancelled
※We will send the annual report to all the members in August, 2021 for the confirmation.


3.Others: The annual reports
(including Resolution of General meeting, News Letter, member list, the notice of executive office of next year, bills etc.) will be sent in August, 2021.


※Please note that general members cannot attend the Director’s meeting.

大阪日米協会からのお知らせ NEWS

archive list
  • フォトギャラリー photo gallery
  • ニュースレター news letter pdf