会長 細川 悦男
拝啓 師走の候、時下ますますご清祥のこととお慶び申し上げます。
全米日米協会連合理事長Peter Kelley氏のご挨拶を皮切りに各協会代表者からのご挨拶がありました。各協会の活動も紹介され、今年は中止となりましたが、ワシントン日米協会では、「さくら祭り」を開催したり、フロリダ日米協会では「七夕祭り」を開催したりと、改めて日米の親睦の深さを実感することができました。本年は、どこの協会もコロナ禍の影響で、大阪日米協会と同様、イベント開催の自粛や総会決議事項の書面回答などの使用を余儀なくされ、今までとは違う初めての対応に困惑しましたが、コロナ禍は新しい活動方法を探り、コロナ禍を越えて再度活性化して行くチャンスとも考えられます。他の協会では今後、オンラインでのジャズ音楽会や、日本建築である松風荘のバーチャルツアーなど、コロナ禍でも会員様が楽しめる工夫をしてゆくということでした。コロナ禍で大変な部分も多くありますが、悪い面ばかりではなく、オンラインでのイベントや会議が活発になった事により、人々の関係がより親密になったり、直接会えない遠方の方々や身体の不自由な方々ともオンラインを通して気軽に会話ができたりと、多くの参加者が良い面にも目を向けられていたのが印象的でした。
敬 具
December, 2020
Dear Members,
Yoshio Hosokawa
Japan-America Society of Osaka
The report of “the 12th International Japan-America Societies Symposium”
We hope this message finds you well. Thank you very much for your continued support of JASO.
I attended the 12th International Japan-America Societies Symposium in December 9th, 2020. “International Japan-America Societies Symposium” was firstly held in Honolulu, State of Hawaii in 1995 so that AJS members got together from Japan and America.
The 12th Symposium was planned to be held in Philadelphia, but it was changed into online because of Covid-19. 28 societies from America and 9 societies from Japan, so 63 people attended in total.
The 12th Symposium was planned to be held in Philadelphia, but it was changed into online because of Covid-19. 28 societies from America and 9 societies from Japan, so 63 people attended in total.
Mr. Peter Kelly greeted first and representatives of each society followed him. In the greetings, some activities were introduced. For example, Washington society holds “Cherry Blossom Festival” and Florida society holds “Tanabata Festival”. Because of Covid-19, those activities were cancelled this year, but we realized again how deep the friendship between Japan and America would be.
This year, every society was forced to refrain from holding events and to conduct resolution in writing about general meeting, so we confused unusual situation. However, we think Covid-19 makes new way of activities and revitalizes our society. Other societies said they would hold online jazz festival and virtual tour of Japanese architecture, Shofuso to make members happy even in the pandemic of Covid-19.
In the symposium, many attendees tried to see bright sides of Covid-19. For instance, online events and meetings made people’s relationships more intimate and it’s easier to communicate with people who live in far places and have disabilities via online tools.
International Symposium is alternately held once in 2 years in Japan and America and next one will be held in Kyoto in 2022. In the next symposium, we will look for new way of attendance, depending on each life styles. We are looking forward to meeting more members from Japan and America and to making our friendship deeper.
This year, every society was forced to refrain from holding events and to conduct resolution in writing about general meeting, so we confused unusual situation. However, we think Covid-19 makes new way of activities and revitalizes our society. Other societies said they would hold online jazz festival and virtual tour of Japanese architecture, Shofuso to make members happy even in the pandemic of Covid-19.
In the symposium, many attendees tried to see bright sides of Covid-19. For instance, online events and meetings made people’s relationships more intimate and it’s easier to communicate with people who live in far places and have disabilities via online tools.
International Symposium is alternately held once in 2 years in Japan and America and next one will be held in Kyoto in 2022. In the next symposium, we will look for new way of attendance, depending on each life styles. We are looking forward to meeting more members from Japan and America and to making our friendship deeper.
I sincerely wish members a Happy New Year.
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