CtH[V infomation


「アーリントンカップ」観戦のご案内 The Arlington Cup Horse Race


                             大阪日米協会 会長 黒田 章裕



拝啓 厳冬の候、時下ますますご清祥の段、お慶び申し上げます。平素は格別のご高配を賜り、厚く御礼申し上げます。









◎ 日時: 2014年3月1日(土) 13:30~17:00 (受付開始13:00)            

◎ 場所: 阪神競馬場(阪急仁川駅)阪神競馬場特別貴賓室「さくら」


◎ 会費: 会員 \5,000/非会員 \7,000

◎ 定員:        45名(申込多数の場合は抽選)

◎ 服装: 男性はネクタイ・ジャケットの着用、女性はそれに準じた服装

◎ お申し込み: お申込書にご記入いただき2月11日(火)までにFaxかEmailでお申し込み下さい。

      ※ 参加の確定は、2月17日(月)にFaxかEmailでご連絡する予定です。

 Fax 06-6972-9587        Email  jaso@kokuyo.com


*お申込フォームはこちらから: 2014アーリントン案内状(日本語)
Application form: The Arlington Cup Horse Race Application form



The Arlington Cup Horse Race


Dear Members,

 I am pleased to announce that we will watch the Arlington Cup Horse Race from the Special VIP room at the Hanshin Racetrack by courtesy of JRA.  The Arlington Cup Horse Race is held to commemorate the sister treaty between the Hanshin Racetrack and the Arlington Racetrack, IL in the United States.  Also, there will be a short lecture by a JRA staff on the tips of betting and a casual style reception will be held after the race.


The number of participant is limited to 45, and if the turnout exceeds 45, we will have a draw.(*)  In applying for this event, a JASO member can have one guest. 


I look forward to your participation in this event.


*  The draw will be made by the unit of application i.e. Applicants in pair will not be broken.


Date:           Saturday, March 1, 2014  13:30 – 17:00 (door opens at 13:00)


Venue:        The Hanshin Racetrack (Hankyu Nigawa Station)

      * Please use the public transportation.


Fee:             Member \5,000.- / Non-member \7,000.-


Dress code:   Tie and jacket are required for men and moderate dress for women.


Sign-up:      Filling the form and reply through fax or email by Tuesday, February 11


                   Those who are successfully resisted will be informed around Monday, February 17.




Akihiro Kuroda

President, Japan-America Society of Osaka


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